Thursday, September 28, 2017

Celebrity Sighting

Captured by TMZ Paparazzi

Michael and Tom Rocking it out at Premiere.
Michael Tostado and Tom Cruise have been seen this weekend hanging out at the premiere of Rock of Ages. Before this Michael Tostado was seen following Tom Cruise on his bicycle and Tom Cruise had been weirded out but eventually gave in and he started to let Michael talk to him. Eventually Michael and Tom became friends and they were both seen paint balling and bowling with some other friends. Tom had been almost a father figure to Michael when he had brought Michael to the premiere of Rock of Ages where we had seen that Tom was smaller than his 17 year old son like figure.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for Success

Vision Board

"This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen"
In my collage I have chosen various images to represent my future and what it will be become. The two images that I am most confident with is the YouTube image because my friends and I are all looking for a career in that field and that we hope we can make it happen and that we can live our lives as happy as we can be. The other image is the hourglass because it represents patience which is an important factor if someone is looking for this as their career and so you just have to wait and see what the unforeseen future has for me. These images have a lot of meaning for me and that I hope that this is what my future will become of.