Thursday, November 2, 2017

Animated GIF

My Animated .gif

My first efforts in developing my own animated .gif was coming up with a rocket surprise ending. The techniques applied and story I created was... (explain what & how you did it also detailing thoughts behind your story line)

Rocket Surprise Ending

My school themed gif I chose was Anime Club . 
I decided on this school theme because Anime is something that I love because it connects with me on many different levels and that it has many genres in which you can be entertained by.  finding information such as .. . (what research did you do?)

My animated gif message was to entertain because it shows a super saiyan specifically Goku using Kamehameha and the his face changes into the Im firing my laser face.

I believe the intended audience will respond to my animation because it might catch their eye as a funny little GIF.

I sent the gif to Mr. Xiong and the response I received was a good response saying that it was nice little GIF.

What I would do differently with my next project would be to make it longer and have more of a story.

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